Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Did you know...

My Little Pony has magnetic feet?? They stick to my freakin fridge, and yes they have CLEAN feet :P and YES they arnt feet, but then again they ARE because they dont have "hooves" on them LOL

That gold fish change colors? Yup ours did. At first I thought he was dieing. He looked "dirty" like he needed a bath...How do you bathe a fish?

Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.

A bee has five eyes, two large compound eyes on either side of its head, and three ocelli (primitive eyes) on top of its head to detect light intensity.

The Moose is the world's largest deer.

The Koala lives entirely on eucalyptus and does not drink water.

The Sloth grows green algae on its hair for camouflage.

OK had enough yet?? LOL

1 comment:

KC Stine said...

Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.

Which is why I married my Southpaw husband. Yay!