Friday, May 18, 2007


So the "call before you dig" people ended up marking a few spots where I want to put in the new flower bed. I could do it, but it would be too close to the marks and that makes me nervous. I could make the new bed shorter, but then it wouldn't "match" the other one and that might bother me!

So this morning I took a shower, then got Caitlin a pair of jeans to go with her tie dye shirt she has to wear today. She then tells me that one of her teachers said they had to wear a skirt or shorts. UM that would have been nice to know YESTERDAY?! Since our dryer is broke, I have been doing minimal laundry because I have to hang it up outside.

I did another flower bed and the pile of rocks is not getting any smaller! Good thing I have five more to do! Yes, we have seven existing flower beds in our yard.

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