Friday, July 07, 2006


Another one of those days....

So I get a call from Express Personel Services at god knows what early morning time ... "Can you come in before you go to your appointment at *********?" Ok I have no idea what I said, and I barely remember even talking to them. So I call them back after I realized I talked to them... So I went there around 11:15am. Filled out an application, took a mini test and was told to go to my appointment at the other place (its a job thru them) So I go there and take my test there for the job, one part personality, another reading and comprehension, and the last one was math. Yeah. I failed. I know I failed the R&C and the math parts... Makes me wonder if I totally failed the personality one too lol ...

OK so by the time I get back to EPS's, they tell me I failed, then ask if I still wanted to take my typing test incase another job opening comes up. Sure. Why not. Im there already right? Well it was 1:10pm, and my "appointment to test" was at 2. So I went to the Iowa Workforce Department to turn in four applications I got yesterday. And back to EPS I go ... Typing typing, alpha numeric, 10 key... yeah I did 58wpm for typing, and I did pass another thing, but I failed the 10key, and another one... Woot.

Well all day I have been waiting for a phone call from Kelly Services because my paycheck did not show up on my "payroll debit card" like it should have. Finally when I got home, I got through to someone and they told me that there was an error due to the holiday and they are aware of it, and they called everyone with an automated thing....

... Kim comes down this morning, and I ask her "who the heck called?" She said that one of them was just silence... so she hung up.. I totally would have done the same too... Turns out, that was my automated service calling me. lol I told them to delete that number from existance and ONLY call my cell... heh figures.

So its now 4:22 pm, and I feel like one great big broke failure!

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