Monday, October 24, 2005

Comfort Zone

So I suffer from anxiety. I tend to not like social settings, and it takes me a while to warm up to new people. My 4 year old daughter is in her second hear of preschool. Friday they are going on a feild trip. I over heard another mother asking if she could bring her 19mo. old on the feild trip, the leader had said "no , because you will be too busy with the older kids". She looked very dissapointed, so on her way out, I stopped her and asked her if she needed a sitter so she could do these things. We talked about it and how it would be a great resourse to have since our youger children will probably be in the same classes also, and we could trade babysitting with each other. We exchanged phone numbers today and are meeting up later this week at my daughters play group! :)

This weekend, my family and I went shopping together. My 4 year old kept asking to go to "Emilys house". I had to tell her "I am sorry sweetie, I am not sure where Emily lives!" My 4 year old goes on to tell me that she "lives in a HOUSE momma" LOL Sooo since I was already out of my comfort zone, when I saw Emilys mother, I told her that my daughter kept asking to go to Emilys house all weekend! So she gave me her name and told me she was in the phone book and told me where she lived, and that Emily has a birthday party comeing up in November! LOL YA! I STEPPED OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE!!!

1 comment:

KC Stine said...

Woohoo! You'll be a social butterfly yet!