Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Queen of Crazyville
I received remote start for my van from my mother in law (too bad no one will put it in my van for me and it will be 300$ to have a shop to do it). I can’t wait to use this. I hate walking all the way to my van in the bitter cold weather to warm it up only to have to sit in the van while the windows defrost so I can drive it to our front door. (NOTE: I do not mind the SNOW, but I do mind the cold.)
From my aunt and uncle, we received 800tc sheets… mmMm nice. We house sat for them in April and I commented on how much I loved their sheets and that’s what they can get us for Christmas! The sheets on our bed were 400tc, and the 800tc are twice the thickness. They are awesome!
My mother gave us a gift card for Target to use towards new towels; they came via UPS this afternoon. They are so big and soft enough to be at the spa. I can’t wait to get them washed up and ready to use!
The four of us receved sweatshirts that bear the local schools sports name “the hurricanes”. I don’t know why they are that, but ok Ill go with the flow. Besides, everyone can use a new big fluffy sweatshirt once in a while!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Santa and stuff...
Tony, Caitlin, Zoe and I went to go see Santa and the reigndeer! I still am not sure what Caitlin told him what she wanted for Christmas. He asked her what she wanted, and she said TOYS, he asked her what kind of toys, she said she didnt know! She then asked him "Where are you reindeer?" LOL She asked him a couple more times before they were through talking.
Zoes got thumbs up to whatever santa says
More Santa
Caitlin looking at the deer
More photos of Santa, Reindeer, & Christmas at Great Nannas and Gpa Brads
Ok no more deer or santa...
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
For those of you who have viewed my webcam the couple of times I have had it on, or have chatted with, you know how much I like Propel. So my blog today is about that. Ya, I am lame.
Yes there are two rows of propel in there!
I have tried 5 out of 8 flavors: kiwi-strawberry, grape, melon (ick), lemon, & tropical citrus. I dont like grape flavored things usually, but I LOVE grape propel.
OK thats enough about propel. My day is very dull today. LOL
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Morning Rant
Then if I have not scooped the cat box in a couple of days, Tico is sure to let me know by giving me a wet rug (where I stand in the morning to get water for the kid’s oatmeal). UGH.
I know how to remedy this situation. It sounds simple to a person who is able to get out of bed and go on about their day. I need to stick with my Night time routine, and get up before my children, which some mornings would be before 6am and 8am others, then do my morning routine.
Any who… Today I am going to help my uncle with his Christmas decorations. This will be fun, Ill be outside, and away from my children for a bit.
Ugh, why cant children pick up their toys?? Don’t they realize how much easier it would be to play in a neat and orderly room?? I try to help when I can but geez, I can’t do it for them all the time! Yeah, Caitlin is ONLY four, but if she doesn’t learn now, when will she. I already called Santa and left him a message not to bring her toys. This did not work and now she complains about me calling him. I told her when she cleans her room I would call him back and tell him she was good.
/morning rant
Monday, December 12, 2005
Also, I got my gift from my TFMR SS. :D (they will remane nameless until Everyone else has received their gifts. (just in case any of them actually READ my blog) The huge box held some scrapbooking stuff, a cute apron for my dishsoap bottle (this is too cute btw) and a back massager for my chair! :D This had a note attached: "Here is a hint to this gifts contents: You Certainly don't need a man (
We also got our first netflix movies: The Amityvill Horror, The Sisterhood of the Traveling pants, and Bewitched.
Ok made dinner, and that fun stuff too.. ok END
Sunday, December 11, 2005
This morning, I got up, fed the girls breakfest, turned on the news, and noticed my angel was crooked. As I looked around, I realized there was more then just the lopsided angel. Our christmas tree had been vadiaized. DERN KITTYS!
poor christmas tree!
Oh and its snowing outside. Its supposed to snow every day this week EXCEPT for Tuesday. We were supposed to travel to go get a computer today, but for now those plans have been delayed.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Christmas Shopping
I havnt talked to hubby about this yet (but he reads my blog) but I would like to take the girls to see Santa and the Reigndeer next Sunday. Bad part is, we have soo much traveling between dentist appointments, and doctor appointments that I am not sure I want to sit in the car agan. BUT, this also would be the PERFECT time to go see my dad and grandmother (that we havnt seen since LAST Christmas..).
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Anywho. I went to the tooth devil today. UGH I hate having my teeth cleaned by them. I have good gums but they are sensitive along with my teeth. PLEASE do not blow air on my teeth :( It HURTS. DO NOT put cold water or hot water on them, OUCH. And for the love of buddah, do NOT stick that sharp pointy thing into what we both know is a cavity!!! DAMN YOU! Then after all this torture, you tell me that I am on a waiting list to have my cavity filled. Wonderful. So in other words, I will have to make another appointment for a cleaning, then I can get an appointment for fillings. I will not say anything about my wonderful *sarcasm* trip to the dentist and scare my children before they even meet one.
Ok I have to go eat, tonight is "open scrapbook" night.
Monday, December 05, 2005
I put up my tree. Here are the pictures! I took them this moring.
Here is Zoe wondering how many times she can touch the tree while mom is not looking.
Here is Tico, who also is wondering how many times he can EAT the tree before mom notices
My snowflakes! I love snowflakes!
And my tree. I think i should take another picture at night, its prettier at night
Murphy's Law
This morning, Caitlin had preschool which begins at 8am and ends at 3pm. Of course, today both girls slept in. Lately, Caitlin has been waking me up around 6:00am -6:30am. SUX. Today was the first day in a very long time that my alarm actually had to wake me up. Good to know that it still works.
It was so very warm out this morning with temps reaching -3F. Warm. It is currently 1f outside. I didn’t want to shut my van off. It didn’t even get to warm up when I took Caitlin to school, and it had been running for about thirty minutes. I’m almost positive had I stayed in there for a bit longer, the heat would have started coming out.
Last night sometime around 12:10am, my husband woke me up to ask me if we could afford wo0t! Or not. Woot featured a 250gig hard drive for 50$. Too bad we don’t have an extra 50$ to spare. SUX. Last week yes, this week no.
Our cat needs to go to the vet, and that will cost about 20$. Not too bad, but hey if we had another 30$, we could have got wo0t!. My cat has this very disgusting issue with his anal glands needing to be cleaned out. Normally this naturally but not with our damn cat. Also, this is usually an issue with dogs, not cats. Weirdo.
On Tuesday, both hubby and I have separate plans. We need a babysitter if we both want to do our activities that we have planned. He plans on going RPG with a bunch of friends, and I have “open scrapbooking” night.
End of my Murphy's Law banter
Sunday, December 04, 2005
I am thinking about putting up my christmas tree today or tomorrow. Should be intresting to see how many times I have to say "NO, DO NOT TOUCH THE TREE" to the kids and the cats. I bought a new spray bottle just for the cats.
OK gonna go pick up some so I can put up the tree!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Who are...
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Time flies
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Sick again?
Friday, November 25, 2005
The other day I had Caitlin practice her name. I wrote her name in the pink, she did the rest in the pencil. My mother in law called and Caitlin asked me how she did, I looked and said no thats backwards and went back to talking to my MIL. Tony looked over to Caitlins paper, he was confused. Then he folded the paper in half. Caitlin had writtin her name completely backwards, as if it were the mirror image of the name I had written.
OK so there it is... at the top..hehe
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Snowed again..
Anywhoooo, I waited up for my hubby cuz I havnt seen him or spent time with him in a while since hes been working. Im really glad I stayed up. It was great to spend time with him!
This morning (after getting 2 hours of sleep), I got up fed the kids, and I wanted to go play in the snow with the girls. So with out them knowing what mommy was preparing for, I got dry clothes set out and stuff ready to go play. We got dressed and away us girls went. We stopped at the park to play in the snow, and on the slides. I built them some snowmen, and gave them snowballs to play with! We all had a blast! In fact, Zoe cried when I put her in her carseat!
We came home and took off our wet clothes, and went and crawled in bed with sleepy daddy hehe
Monday, November 21, 2005
Time change...
And in other news, I am tring to get my christmas cards made, and other gifts ready. I have came up with five card designs, but havent been able to make more then 8 of one design due to lack of supplies. Oh well, what can ya do.
Well, most of our snow has melted, and this probably sucks for the hunters. No snow means its harder to track deer. I cant wait till hunting season is over and I get my husband back a couple nights a week.
Okay, I have just been informed that it is time for breakfest.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Cajun French Toast?
Soooo heres OOPS, I kinda got sidetracked and forgot about the french toast...
Friday, November 18, 2005
Thursday, November 17, 2005
My day..
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
An AH HA! Moment
Still Snowing
Well its still snowing here. Dunno if you can tell the difference between this pic and the other pic, but here is the current view at 3:51 outside.
Today begins Tonys twelve days straight of work at the club. Hunting season starts this weekend, and I guess hunters come up here to hunt, drink beer, and watch girls dance. I am going to miss my husband while he is gone. Its weird looking over at his desk and him not being there MMRGPing, chatting or reading TotalFark. It kinda sucks, we just paid his monthly service for both, and he wont be home to use them! LOL
Tonight there was supposed to be a playgroup for the birth to three program that Zoe is in. It was cancelled due to the snow. Oh well, I didnt feel like bundling up the kids, bundling up me, then rebundling up Zoe...
...Yeah.. So I went to pick up Caitlin from preschool...Set Zoe down, grabbed Caitlins back pack and coat, got her hat out of her sleve, put her hat on, mittens, coat. OK While did that, Zoe had taken off her hat, mittens, scarf, and coat. GREAT! Ok I feel like I burned a few hundred calories just by bundling up my kids, rebundling up my kids, scraping my van off for 15 mins this am, then another 10 when I went to pick caitlin back up! LOL better have burned a few
WHEW! I sure am wordy...
It snowed last night! WHOOHOO! Whoohoo until I had to bring Caitlin to preschool that is... there was ICE under the snow on my van. I kind of procrastinated this morning on leaving, well that and Caitlins hat was no where to be found, she lost one at school already too! It took me about 15 mins to clean off the ice and snow, making Caitlin late for school, which was fine cuz so was half her class LOL
LOST is on tonight! I cant wait! Well I guess I HAVE to wait.
Look! ICECYCLES! (Hubby says thats spelled right.. Hmm.. looks soo wrong!)
Caitlin was REALLY excited that there was snow on the ground cuz it means CHRISTMAS. How do you explain to a four year old who has NO concept of time, that Christmas is more then a month away! I am planning to make a count down calender for her, but sheesh, I am not ready to even start the count down calender yet! Thanksgiving isnt even here yet! I keep telling her that Thanksgiving comes before Christmas, but then she tells me Christmas is the day after Thanksgiving. Should I tell her that it is Black Friday and there are crazy mad people who go shopping and beat people up for gifts? Or should I leave that detail out until she is older...LOL
Monday, November 14, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Christmas Cards
I am soo happy when stuff finally gets together in my head! This is our christmas card (one of many, but this is the FIRST Ive completed)!
If you want one of my homemade cards, you better get me your snail mail addy early! I only send out so many!
My little helper
I am tring to get stuff done for christmas presents (I do them this early because I MAKE them ) and someone decieded to HELP me out.. Or so I thought... He got into my paper, and stole a scrap and ran away with it to eat it!
Tico, my helper
Our first snow!
This was our first snow fall! Man its hard to take a picture of fast falling SNOW! LOL
outside our front window
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Its Saturday night...
I did watch Mean Girls tonight, that was fun. Ive seen it before, so it was mainly just something going on in the background. OH! I also had company! Two nights in a row even! :) Our friend Brians car is broke, so he is in town more often. He stopped by yesterday, and hung out for a bit, we chattered back and forth, then when his friend got done with work, he caught a ride. Then tonight he was in town again and stopped by!
Hmm ok thats all I got...
I try dozing on the couch. That doesnt work very nice with a 2 year old and a 4 year old bouncing around. Caitlin constantly picks on Zoe, grabs her toy, sits too close for Zoes likeing, or deciedes she needs to crawl on me to tell me "Obie is coming up next".
I am so tired. I feel like I can barely move, my body aches, it screams for rest. Uninterupted rest. Look, I know this is part of being a parent, but come on, everyone needs a good nights sleep once in a while. Lately here its been far and few between. My kids hardly ever used to get up in the middle of the night. I understand that Caitlin has an ear infection and wants to be cuddled with. I just fail to see why I need to know at 2 am that she has to go to the bathroom, or that she is thirsty.
She talks all the time. NON STOP CHATTER . It gets very old very fast. Its great when shes telling me a story, or talking about school, or her friends at school, but even during the day she must tell me she has to go to the bathroom or get something to drink... She has actually peed her pants because I did not answer her when she told me 10 times that she has to go to the bathroom. WHY cant she just do these things?? HOW do I get her to STOP doing this??
I want a good nights sleep, UNINTERUPTED. I am so tired, I cant even make it through the day. I almost want to take up caffinee again. :(
Friday, November 11, 2005
Are you SURE that today is FRIDAY?
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Living with me...
Im writing this in hopes it will enlighten people and maybe help others understand what I go through on a daily basis.
Some days are good (normal), most are bad lately (depression), but others are too good (mania). I am hardly at the "normal" level. Sometimes, I will go out and spend money just because. I dont know why, because I know we are on an extremly tight budget, but I just do it anyways. Then I sit and regret it for days, sending me into depression, causing my daily routines to go to hell, then causing worse depression. It sounds easy to change to someone who is NOT bi polar. I know, just dont spend money, and stick to your daily routines... WELL DUH. If only it were that easy! I try very hard to stick to my routines, because it benifits my children.
I would LOVE to get a house some day, and I hate that I have to completly rely on my husband for financial support because I have a hard time holding a job. If my schedule at work changes, it throws me off, and down I go into depression. Some times being around people, sends me into mania, and neither are good in a work enviornment. I would love to have a normal life. I hate looking around at other people who (appear to be) are normal. They lead normal lives. I wish I could have a normal life.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
End of boring blog post!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
-taking a multi vitamin
-stopped drinking soda
-reading labels
-walking and paying attention to how much I move, and exersize
-taking Trimspa
-making sure my "serving sizes" were right on
-following the food pyramid (I didnt not eat fruits or veggies before all of this, my diet mostly consisted of sweets and fats)
-drinking LOTS of water & propel
-drinking FUZE instead of soda
-keeping track of what I eat
-cut out fast food almost all together
-eat 3 smaller meals and 3 snacks in one day (used to eat one meal and snack on junk food all day)
Before even asking what I have done to change my weight, the doctor says to me "Eat less, exersize more, thats all there is to it" UM OK THEN...grrr What have I been doing for the last month?? Over eating? I was under eating before, now I am doing the opposite I guess, even though its more balanced and smaller proportions. Hmm I dunno...I guess Ill go back to eating almost nothing and exersize from morning till night.
*side note* my BMI is 28.9, and above 30 is obese
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Kids are WEIRD
Caitlin says to me "Mom, let me wisker into your ear" LMAO!
Thats all Ive got today...
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Did you know...
That gold fish change colors? Yup ours did. At first I thought he was dieing. He looked "dirty" like he needed a bath...How do you bathe a fish?
Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.
A bee has five eyes, two large compound eyes on either side of its head, and three ocelli (primitive eyes) on top of its head to detect light intensity.
The Moose is the world's largest deer.
The Koala lives entirely on eucalyptus and does not drink water.
The Sloth grows green algae on its hair for camouflage.
OK had enough yet?? LOL
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Later in the night, I download some LOST eppisodes and watch them, surf the TV for something OKAY to watch. Every thing was repeats. I ended up some how not getting eppisode 16 or 20, so I cant watch the ones that I did get, man this sucks! LoL I am half tempted to go BUY the boxed set if we wernt on such a strict budget! Oh I can wait I guess!
About 8PM my daughter comes out of her room. This usually infuriates me becuase she does the whole kid thing, "i have to go to the bathroom" " i am thirsty" "i forgot to brush my teeth" "i forgot to give you a hug" "i forgot to give you a kiss" "can i watch cartoons". This time was different. To start off, I wasnt mad at all, in fact, I was kind of happy to see her...Until she GAGGED ! LOL I told her to run the bathroom! She did... I followed, then noticed she smelled of puke. I tell her to take of her pjs, then I go into her room and her blakets, pillow, floor, stuffed animals, wall, curtains and other misc. items were covered in vomit. I have now washed the bedding FOUR times, and it still smells...good thing its Saturday and I dont feel like washing any thing else! OK enough puke talk...
This morning, I get up (i was half awake all night) check on Caitlin, look at the fish, run to the store for Milk, Prople, Rolaids (ive had some horrible heart burn!), gum, & a nail buffer.
I wake up Tony becuase he woke me up when he got home and TOLD me to WAKE HIM UP when the alarm went off. I guess he was going to go help some guys put up trusses (sp) on his new store for his race cars, or something like that. My first question was, "are you getting paid to do this??" he said "yes why the hell else would I get up this early! " LOL okiedokie then!
I make him clean the bedrail, curtains and wall and stuff because I had my fair share last night. (see above) He bitched and moaned but finally went and cleaned some of it up. I have to give him credit, its nasty cleaning up that stuff.
I can not wait until Monday, when we can spend some time together as a family. Its Halloween, so we will definatly take the girls trick or treating. I have not read the stuff yet, but in Caitlins back pack is some info about a walk in a pumpkin patch or something. I also read something at Walmart this morning about some trick or treating, or costume somthing or other. Ill find out more about that later. I called the family resource center and had them mail me a calender of events. They have a Costume Party open house from 10 to noon. Maybe Zoe and I will go to that since Caitlin will be in school having their party. So much to do so little time!! This all
sounds very exciting !
Oh ya... when I got home from Walmart, I fed the cats, and the fish and noticed one of our shrimp decieded to take a dirt nap. Or well maybe a wet nap. ANYWAYS he was at the bottom of the tank half white. I didnt want to fish him out at that moment becuase Caitlin was stiring around on the couch. I went to go dig him out later, only to find he was MIA. LOL I wonder where he went. I wonder if he was the one who JUMPED OUT OF THE NET yesterday when I changed and cleaned the fish tank, yes I know, this could be why he took a wet nap. What can you do. The tank was soo nasty you could barley see the fish and its a very tiny tank! LOL YES i know they say you should have ONE fish per GALON of water, but I thought one fish would get lonely, so we got two goldfish, who one happens to of turned colors on us, a platty, and two shrimp. Figured they would clean the bottom of the tank nicly. Back to the goldfish who turned colors. He looked like he was "dirty" the other day. So when I cleaned the tank, I quarentined him from the other fish. That was actually the OTHER reason why I cleaned the tank, in case he was ill or something. While I was cleaning the tank, hubby looked up on the net and found that gold fish CAN turn colors and the most common was black! WHEW! Today he is darker then he was yesterday.
OK Phone is ringing,,, bubbye
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
NOW its over!
And in other news, Zoe and I went to our second play group! WHOOHOO! We had fun, we painted, played with playdough, dressed up for halloween, played with a few other kids, and ate some lunch!
Then later, one of therapists came to work with Zoe. She is in the birth to 3 program for Speach Therapy, and they come work with the kids in several other areas that go along with learning. We (meaning I) freaked out because she was almost two and should be saying about 20 words and she was only saying about 3 and not on a regular basis. She has progressed a LOT in the last five months! She now jabbers in that language that only babies can understand, will try to tell us things, and now she copies what we say to her!
Ahhh *takes shoes off and puts feet up*
The life of a mom
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Its not over!
Can you feel the excitement??
Monday, October 24, 2005
Comfort Zone
This weekend, my family and I went shopping together. My 4 year old kept asking to go to "Emilys house". I had to tell her "I am sorry sweetie, I am not sure where Emily lives!" My 4 year old goes on to tell me that she "lives in a HOUSE momma" LOL Sooo since I was already out of my comfort zone, when I saw Emilys mother, I told her that my daughter kept asking to go to Emilys house all weekend! So she gave me her name and told me she was in the phone book and told me where she lived, and that Emily has a birthday party comeing up in November! LOL YA! I STEPPED OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE!!!
put back together
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
this is the smaller part of the left hole in the celing (as you can see they removed the paneling to dry)
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the other part that fell
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