Sunday, July 06, 2008

So much to post about!

Hmm where do I start? I talked about the flooding last week...

We went camping from Sunday through Thursday of last week... Came home because I had class on Thursday and Tony DJ's on Friday and Saturday...

Heres a covered bridge that is near our campground...

Some canna lilies that my neighbors mom gave me...

The blackeye susans that I planted last spring that never grew... I went out back one night, and omg, there they were, about three feet tall!

Some celosia that I planted ...

I had four rose buds this year!

I finally bought some shrubs for the front of the porch! They are "globe arborvitae" and have a cedar like leaf...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the black-eyed susans. I'm hoping to plant some next year to compliment my purple coneflowers.