Friday, September 14, 2007


I really can not wait until I go back to school. Other then the fact that Zoe might switch days and I will have to find a sitter on Mondays. I think that would be the only conflict day. But until I start school.... I have been printing lists, calendars, weekly & daily planner pages...

I got a "binder" organizer idea from flylady a while back, but have not been utilizing it to its full potential. My friend KCBlueGal brought up that she has been using a binder and gave me her idea of what sections / tabs she has. So I took some of her ideas and flyladys ideas and came up with one that works for me!

I had one binder sort of done, but I did not like how it was done, so today, I redid it.

I am also almost out of calendar pages for my ginormous desk calendar, and went on a hunt to find new pages. I have had no luck locally. I think I might try Iowa Office Supply sometime next week. I also tried to find a planner thing that I can tote to school or where ever with me so I always have my schedule and everyone else's schedules with me. Again, I failed to find something that I liked. So I bought a new binder and some tabs to create myself one that will work for me and my busy family.

Obsess obsess obsess...

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