Friday, June 02, 2006


Ok so I went out last night to the bar Tony works at... Thursday night is "College Night" so its rather busy, now not nearly as busy as during the actual "school year"though. This night they let in 18-20 year olds and up in. The "minors" have a big M on their hand and everyone else has a bracelet. Part way through the night, I was sitting on the second floor that looks over the dance floor when I saw this guy with two beers walking and looking around... Then I see him find the person he was looking for and hands her a beer... Apon further nosyness, I see shes NOT wearing a bracelet. Well SHE got kicked out, but he didnt because "STAFF" did not see him do it. Which is fine I guess, but they need to watch him next time, because every night I have been out there, those two also have....

.... At the end of the night as people were flowing out the door (not very gracefully btw), I see this girl making out with this guy in the parking lot. Then he walks away, and she gets on her cell phone and the first things she said when who ever answered was "Hey baby!"... nice... lol ...

The girl on the cell phone leaves DRUNK and TALKING ON HER CELL ... I told the owner, "ya know if your gonna drink and drive, DONT do it while talking on your cell!!!" I told Tony the same thing a few seconds later...

blahblah... I drove the van out and Tony had his car, so we were going to meet up and go in one car to walmart. On our way into town, I saw two cop cars taking up both lanes of the road ... So I took a detour. When Tony picked me up, I said "soooo your gonna drive past that RIGHT?" (i really am VERY nosy) Guess who got into a car accident! Ill give you one guess.... did you guess it?? DRUNK CELL PHONE GIRL!!!!!!!!! P'owned!!

I am happy that it looked like a minor accident, and not a major one... but I am sure she will be in some deep shit... Tony said she had all kinds of booze in her car too... opened...

Ok thats all I got

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