Sunday, May 07, 2006


... all day i have had this "weird" or "bad" feeling about something, but i dont know what...

... Not sure if this has anything to do with the feelings, but I saw a helicopter land (well it was hovering down towards) at the hospital this evening.

ugh. i hate this feeling :(


The Relentless Reader said...

I hope that your bad feeling was just that, only a feeling! Nothing bad happened...right?

InsomniacRed said...

nothing that i know of! Never did hear about the helicopter that landed and took off a half hour later!

The Relentless Reader said...

That's good news :) Maybe the helicopter was a figment of your imagination? lol..probably not

InsomniacRed said...

lol! I am "crazy" so maybe.. but naw, I live above the bakery, and was sitting out the window smoking when I watched it do its little land thing ... who knows..

The Relentless Reader said...

How cool that you live right on Main! I didn't even know there was an apartment up there. Oh man, the smells must be AWESOME!!