Friday, May 12, 2006

Product reviews by InsomniacRed

My reviews

There are a few products out there that make my life easier.

The Swiffer Vac: I love this. It is so easy to just run it around the kitchen with out a broom and dustpan. To empty it is simple; just remove the little plastic thing and throw the crumbs away. Once in a while I have to change the filter, but these are pretty cheap. They also have the Swiffer pad that goes behind the vac.

The Swiffer duster: I love being able to throw away my dust. There is a new product out there that is coping them, but I will stick to my Swiffer. If you own one of these dust bunny collecting contraptions, you MUST check out the online demo on how to fluff your duster. LOL . I saw a commercial where they used the Swiffer in a car, what a brilliant idea, now if I can just remember to bring one to the van, Ill be set!

Pledge Multi Surface: This really does work on my desk, windows, and television screen. Not so much on getting those finger marks or spit trails (Zoe likes to “spit draw”) off the coffee table, but the fact that dust does not stick to my stuff is awesome.

Clorox wipes: I love these darn things. But I only really like the Lemon scented ones. I want orange though! I love orange smelling cleaners… I have a container in the kitchen and another in the bathroom at all times.

Magic Eraser by Mr. Clean: This thing works as awesome as they say it does, especially with crayon. Awesome product

My concerns

With all of these “disposable” products, the waste must be taking over the earth. Where does it go? All of the landfills by me have closed in recent years, so where does go? WHERE DOES THE SHIT GO? (Envy)


The Relentless Reader said...

Of all of these I use the duster and I adore that thing, couldn't live without it. I'm in the process of switching my cleaning products over to plain vinegar and baking soda though ;) It works as good, is better for the earth AND is cheap, cheap, cheap!

InsomniacRed said...

Oh thats a good idea! i really need to save money these days! Helps to get rid of all of those dispossable products!!!

The Relentless Reader said...

I've been on a frugal kick lately. It feels good really. I got this great book called Everyday Cheapskates Greatest Tips. VERY good.