Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I received a Christmas scrapbook kit from one of my Secret Santa Swaps. Yesterday I worked on my first ever themed album, Christmas 2005. I had a lot of fun putting it together and it went fast because it was an 8x8 and included all the paper and stickers you would need to complete it. This was the first “kit” I had ever worked with, and it was kind of fun not having to search for the “perfect” paper for the page.

Zoe is in the Birth to 3 program due to her lack of communication when she was nineteen months. Last week they came and did an evaluation to see how she’s progressing. She went from being very behind on some things, to being ahead on them, although other areas stayed the same. The coordinators came to share the results with us this afternoon. She now no longer has the need for the program. Ill be sad not to have them come work with her on a weekly basis, but I know how short on help that they are and I know the need is greater for other children in the program. Besides, Zoe is a completely different child then she was a few months ago!

We still all have the sniffles and I have a constant head ach so I am sure the girls do also. We will try to get lots of rest in the next few days to try to get better.

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